- For the dog cushion cover, mix squares of white denim and prequilted fabrics. First cut the denim and prequilted fabrics into 7-1/2-inch squares, which includes 1/2-inch seam allowances.
- Stamp the denim squares, using a different paint color for each kind of flower. Create a layered look by overlapping the stamps, letting each layer dry before applying the next.
- Work on a covered surface, and let some of the stamps overlap the edges of the denim. Sew enough squares together to cover the top of the cushion, and add a bright border. Note: If you aren't re-covering an existing dog bed, consider using a worn sofa cushion. Or cover large slabs of foam with thick quilt batting for the base.
- From prequilted fabric, cut a bottom to match the pieced top, and cut and piece a boxing strip (for the sides). Continue by following Boxed Wrap instructions.
What You Need:
- 1 1/2 yards of matelasse fabric
- 4 1/4 yards of 5/32-inch cord for piping
- Polyester fiberfill
- 2 2-1/2-inch-diameter covered-button forms
- Heavy thread
- Long upholstery needle
The finished pillow measures 18 x 18 x 4 1/2 inches square
Cut the Fabrics
Cut matelasse fabric as follows: two 19-inch squares for the pillow front and back, one 5-1/2-x-75-inch strip for boxing (piecing as needed), and enough 1-1/2-inch-wide bias strips to equal 4 1/4 yards for piping.
- Sew piping. Beginning at the center of one edge of the pillow front, pin the piping to the right side so the raw edges are aligned and the rounded edge faces inward. Snip the piping seam allowances at the corners for a smooth fit. Sew the piping to the pillow front. Repeat to sew piping to the back.
- Pin the boxing strip to the edges of the pillow front, beginning at the center of one edge and sandwiching piping between layers; sew. Trim excess boxing strip, allowing for a 1/2-inch side seam allowance. Sew short ends of the strip together. Sew remaining edge of the boxing strip to the pillow back, leaving an opening for turning. Turn right side out and stuff firmly with fiberfill; sew the opening closed.
- Cover the button forms with scraps of matelasse, following the manufacturer's instructions. Use heavy thread to sew the buttons centered on the pillow front and back, pulling the thread tight between the buttons to create indentations.
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